Project Description:
Like other important contracts of the 2010, we can not forget to mention the first major contract for power.
The contract was implemented for ČEZ Distribuce,a.s. and ČEPS, a.s. in Kletné near by Hladké Životice, where after completion of the work will grow two new transformer station. Site preparation of such an important event for the very demanding and important client had the honor to implement in our company.
- Customer
- Services Demolition
- Date 2016
- Link web
Our company had the honor to to implement site preparation of such an important event for a very challenging and important client.
As part of this contract, we solved the gross ground shaping for subsequent construction of the main and service objects transformer station. Part of the contract was the realization the Sewerage System Code and drainage for rainwater and groundwater. Due to unfavorable foundation and local conditions and particularly due to investor wishes to speed up the preparation of the site for subsequent construction applied our company for the first time in the history of the so-called “Vertical geodren. We hastened by the consolidation of soil around quarter of the year. During the working tip of was on the building approximately 40 to 50 employees of our company. We started of work March 12th 2010 We worked also in adverse conditions, the rain caused problems and the subsoil and the soil was so saturated with water that we could not compacted, neither with the use of lime.
Nevertheless, we successfully completed the of work at the date of 31 July 2010.